Moe's Website
<h1><b>Meaux's Place</h1>

Hi --- I'm Moe aka Meaux

Welcome to my "Place" and
thanks for dropping in!

Here's a picture of
Moe and Sammye
on top of the world

Gunsight Mountain
as seen from Anthony Lake

To view pictures of:

"My Favorite Oregon Places"

click below and wait a few seconds

for the pictures to download:

Click here

My favorite Links

Family Links Activities and Scenery


Failure to sign my guestbook below
will invoke "The Curse of the Pregnant Gypsy"

(all your future children and grandchildren
will be born naked)

My pages are changing daily so
ya'll come back and see me soon now---ya hear?

All photos on this website are copyrighted ©, October 28, 2008, M. B. Linzel

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